In the beginning of January 2019, Asian Anchor Block Excavation Support Project consisting of secant piles and barrette piles have been completed and excavation works were completed until the final excavation level. The excavation support system was executed in two stages. The upper part of the excavation support system with a depth of ~ 11 m was completed by a shotcreted slope cut. The remaining part of the excavation support system with a depth of ~6.0 m was carried out by a cantilever secant pile wall. In order to meet the high tensile loads and moments acting on the anchor block; a special foundation system consisting of 7 rows in plan, 51.5 m deep and 120 cm thick barrette piles were designed as the foundation system of the anchor block. Within the scope of the project, a total of 8,000 m² of barrette piles, 1 no. of bi-directional preliminary load test by using special jacks with a capacity of 5,200 tons and 6,000 m of secant piles were successfully completed. As of March 2019, concrete casting of the Asian Anchor Block has been continued.