The contract was signed with Antteq for the Shoring and Piling Works within the scope of the Barrikadnaya Kinoteatr Project, which located in the city centre of Moscow and is planned to be a Hotel and Culture Centre. The project consists of 10,000 m of Secant Pile and 5,000 m of Foundation Pile.
The secant pile construction was started in December 2020 and completed in June 2021. Following the completion of these shoring piles, excavation of the building pit was commenced. The shoring structure is supported with anchors. Therefore, anchor constructions were conducted simultaneously with excavation. However, due to the fact that the project is located in the city centre and there are infrastructures lines (sewage, water, natural gas and electricity lines) underground, anchor construction could not be conducted at the two sides of the project. As a consequence, counter force piles were constructed instead of anchors at these two sides where infrastructure lines are located.
In addition, the foundation pile works, started as of August 2021, are still ongoing at the regions where the excavation has reached the foundation level. As of February 2022, 70% of the foundation piles was completed. The remaining constructions are planned to be completed by March 2022.