We are proud to announce the launch of our new product: “K-CELL “
“K-CELL”, is a Bi-Directional Static Axial Load Test, in which a compressive load test performed on deep foundations by pressurizing an embedded load cell into the pile, and thus the pile section above the cell’s assembly moves upwards and the piles section below the cell assembly moves downwards, each section providing reaction from which to load the other.
Since 2018, solely in-house innovative process has been developed by Kasktaş’s engineers.
K-CELL utilizes completely automated data acquisition techniques, hydraulic control and data recording systems, where the safe progress of the test can be supervised by remote control with comprehensive instrumentations. This provides very distinguish advantages, such as improved safety, high loading capacity, increased accuracy, and more cost efficiency in comparison to traditional methods of load testing.
K-CELL provides the high-resolution results for design engineers to confidently optimize pile design, based on achieved test records taken at 1, 2, 5, and 10 minutes, and each successive 10 minutes, after applying each load increment, up to the duration of the load interval.
K-CELL loads in excess of 150,000 kN can be achieved successfully depending on the pile depth and diameter complying with industry codes and standards such as ASTM D8169/D8169M-18; “Standard Test Methods for Deep Foundations Under Bi-Directional Static Axial Compressive Load”, GOST 5686-2020; “Sоils. Fiеld tеst mеthоds bу рilеs” and BS EN ISO 22477-1:2018; “Geotechnical investigation and testing. Testing of geotechnical structures Testing of piles: static compression load testing.”
K-CELL test application is designed to serve not only for Kasktaş’s projects but also to general and foundation contractors globally.