The diaphragm wall works within the scope of the Ostrov-6 Project in Moscow, the Russian capital, were completed as of December 2022. Within the project, diaphragm walls were executed. As the lateral support system, temporary anchors were designed to perform the shoring excavation safely. The temporary anchor works are currently on-going and are planned to be completed by February.
The Ostrov-6 Project, whose investor and main contractor are Donstroy and Ant Yapı respectively, is a multifunctional living area consisting of 1115 flats. Located on the banks of the Moscow River, the Ostrov Project is one of the most prestigious projects in progress in Russia as it will be housing also the working office of the parliamentary duma. Moreover, the complex will have access to significant social areas of Moscow, such as the Moskvoretsky Natural Park, Fili Park and the rowing canal.