Nassau Cruise Port Refurbishment and Expansion Project including several geotechnical applications such as a combiwall structure supported by tie-rods to an anchored sheetpiled wall and vibro compaction works, has been ongoing in accordance with the work schedule.
The first step in marine works at the Prince George Wharf, combined wall system construction has been started as of December 4, 2020. Combined wall system contains 133 no. of King Piles with 1000 mm diameter and approximately 24 m length, and 132 no. of sheetpiles with approximately 17 m length. The combined wall construction has been completed as of February 2, 2021.
On the other hand, the construction of the anchorage wall has been started on January 23, 2021 at the Prince George Wharf. The project includes 162 no. of anchorage sheetpile wall. The driving of 124 no. of anchor sheetpiles have been completed by the end of March.
Moreover, the tie rod installation at the Prince George Wharf has been started on February 27, 2021. There are 133 no. of tie-rods within the project. The installation of 81 no. of tie-rods have been completed by the end of March.
Additionally, there are vibro compaction, anchorage wall and tie-rod installation works at PGW Extension and West Marine sections of Nassau Cruise Port. However, these works will commence after the reclamation works at West Marine is completed.